Saturday, May 27, 2006


I think I'm going to cry

This is what it looked like at my house tonight. I've got the place to myself this weekend so I thought I'd use the time to make huge progress on my Spring Fling
. I finished the back up to the end of the decreases and counted and had too many stitches. Dammnit! So I rip back to the beginning of the decreases and count again - Still too many stitches . . . Crap!! What the hell is going on. I look at the ribbing and count from the beginning. I'm making the largest size and I'm supposed to cast on 150 stitches. For some God forsaken reason I've cast on 162 stitches . . . There are no words . . . but there is wine.

It sucks even more because I've already frogged a bunch this weekend. The yarn that I'm using for this was originally the front and part of the back of a "Shapely Tank Top" but I got bored of stocking stitch. Well I hope I really like this lace pattern as much as I think I do. Here we go again!

Good thing I have a nice bottle of white all to myself tonight - I also treated myself to some amazing Thai delivery . . . it still hurts but the curry helps!

Monday, May 22, 2006


socks, socks, socks

It feels like I'm knitting nothing but socks right now. . . Alot of that is because I knit on the bus and a full pullover is just a little too much baggage but I also love the instant gratification and the fact that you can't screw up the shaping too too much.

These are some socks I made up for the bf for our four year anniversary this past weekend. As much as I love that he loves my knit socks his huge feet (size 12) make it something of a challenge. I didn't use any pattern for these. I just cast on 76 on 2.5mm needles (four double points) and knit for 7", short rowed a heel down to 1 1/2", knit the foot FOREVER, and decreased as for a standard toe until I had 28 stitches left and grafted.

I was seriously worried that I wouldn't have enough wool to finish. My mom was giving me a hard time about not giving the bf enough leg but it really was a choice between leg or foot. I went for foot. The evidence speaks for itself . This is all that was left from two 50g balls.

I also finished a pair of Hedera
from Knitty for my Mom for Mother's day last week. My mom is a fantastic knitter of the old school and while she has made socks they were mostly worsted weight and certainly not lace. I hope she likes them. All the piano students who saw them really liked them ("especially the holes" as one said). I hope that I encourage my piano students to be creative and crafty when they see that I do things like knit and paint and such. I really wish more kids were introduced to the creative arts and the traditional crafts. More on that rant later, for now here are mom's Hedera.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Oh You Tube

The joy of wednesday when you find something entertaining on you tube

"The evolution of dance" this guy is impressive! I'll even admit to a few of those moves.

Monday, May 08, 2006


Some Previous Knits

Thought I would toss in a knit I put togeather for my Mom for her b-day in February. It's an Odessa from
and while it was lovely it just didn't fit her head (big brain - runs in the family).

The incredibly scary lady the hat is sitting on is a styrofoam head I got at an auction years ago. Some one else painted the face on her and though very creapy she is a fabulous hat blocker.

You can just see my piano in the background. It's a beautiful old specimin that used to belong to my great grandmother. It was made in Oshawa Canada (very conincidentially the same town in which the boyfriend grew up).


First Post

I can't believe I'm actually starting one of these. I've always said that I'm not the type to post my life all over the internet but this will mainly be to show off my lovely knitting (at least I think it's lovely).

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