Monday, March 03, 2008


Oh my god - they just keep breeding!!

There are a million pregnant ladies at my school (really only three) but I have been having a blast knitting for them. It really is so much fun imagining the little guys (three boys) in their new gear and it really is a pleasure to give something handmade at the shower in amongst all of the mass produced stuff.

First up were the sweaters.
guernsey organic
I love the classic colours of this Organic Guernsey. F.Pea is making some amazing baby patterns. Once I was done the sweater I was worried about finding buttons but I'm really happy with where I ended up. I snagged these from my Mom who has one of those great baskets that are just stuffed with buttons. I think the orangy/red give is a very playful feel.

Slimply stripes full sun
This is Supernatural Stripes out of Cotton Ease. The mother wasn't sure what she was having for a while so I knit in green but we're pretty sure it's a boy now. I hope the green is manly enough. The pattern is great and really well written. If anyone else desides to reproduce I would totally make this again.

trellis full
I think this is my favourite. This is for a good friend at work so I'm not ashamed to say it got more work than the sweaters for the "just co-workers". It is of course Trellis from Knitty. It is in a superwash merino and the cables were just a blast to work. I had lost a little knitting mojo working on all the gift knitting and this thing just fixed me up proper. I zoomed through it and adore the finished product. I had a little trouble sewing the sleeve to the shoulder but I think it looks ok and I hope that the Mom to be will love it.

and then the pants

baby cargo
How can you not love baby cargo's again out of Cotton Ease. These were given away just this weekend and the love for them was very strong. There's something so sweet about adult like clothing for little people. I kept the pockets open rather than mucking about with sewn down top flaps and it was my first run at a hemed knitting project.

there have been a few socks and slippers too but I didn't snap pictures before I gave them away.

Another piece of which I am very fond is my new lap blanket
lap blanket
It's a bigger piece so I feel it deserves a bigger picture. I loved the idea of the Hemlock Ring blanket by Jared Flood but I couldn't get my head around the crochet so this was the cheater's solution. I found an old doily pattern that didn't have any crochet and went to town. I used some handspun that I had made from a mixed fibre batt (about 500 yards) and kept expanding the pattern until it looked like I was going to run out of yarn if I didn't bind off soon. I absolutely love the finished product and it is now an object of pride in my study.

I think that's it for now. I am working on a sweater for myself out of handspun at commercial yarn, a vest (Fad Classic) for myself out of cotton/linen and a summer top for my Mom but they are all at various stages of completion and I don't tend to take pictures until things are done.

Thanks for stopping by!

Too sweet on the baby gifts! And isn't it funny how there's almost a sense of guilt when we make a "simple" project for someone we don't know as well?? It's so easy to forget that knitting is an advanced and somewhat unusual skill, so *anything* handknitted is special.

And the blanket is to-die-for. I'd mount it on my wall!
Shazam! That's a lotta knitting! Love the baby sweaters but oh, the lap blanket out of handspun until it looked like you were going run out? Fantabulous! Snuggle in it with great pride! And those are some lucky, lucky babies!
Almost makes me want another baby. Okay - that might be a stretch - but those sweater are cute! and that lap blanket is lovely.
GORGEOUS! I'm off to print Supernatural Stripes for future baby knitting. You have some very lucky friends and coworkers!

And your lap blanket! I just want to sit here and look at it.
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