Monday, January 21, 2008


back in the sadle (ish)

I told you I still knit! I've been knitting away all holiday but haven't had a chance to post anything. I have a tonne of pictures on my camera and hopefully this weekend I'll be able to put some of them up. The move was great and I love my new home. It's the first one time I've had this much space (even if I have to share it with the BF!).

The only things I have pictures of right now are my new winter accessories.

Roman Scarf

This is the Roman Centurion Scarf and it was a great pattern to knit. It's the most basic Patons classic merino but I love it.

To match I made the Manly Mits from Knitty. I made them with the same Patons Merino but on a smaller needle size to make a smaller mitt. They came out with a nice firm fabric that has blocked all but the very coldest of Ottawa winter winds.

manly mitts

I have one other project uploaded - it was a goofy Xmas hat I made for a staff picture at work. Each department was posing for a calendar month and English was December. I couldn't find any ornament baubles so I just made tiny pompoms (which is incredibly annoying) but I love the result.

Tree Hat

The BF wore it to his office's Xmas party and was harrased by all because they loved it so much (yay). It's made out of Cascade 220 and various sock odds and ends for the lights.

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