Thursday, August 16, 2007


socks, socks, socks, and the beginning of the December rush!

So summer's almost over and all I can do is knit socks. The evidence speaks for itself!

Above are some gym socks I made for my self from Zen Yarn Garden cotton/lycra yarn. The yarn had been marinating in my stash for a while and I could never really decide what to do with it. I'd tried making some full length socks but I was knitting it on 1's (2.5 mm) and it was way too tight. This time it was 2's (2.75) and everything went swimmingly. The tragedy is that after two weeks of going to the gym religiously I sprained my ankle at the gym. No I wasn't doing anything too strenuous. I was actually completly finished my work out and steped off the treadmill wrong and my ankle gave out under me. It's been a little less than a week and while I can walk on it now it is disgustingly bruised and sore.

These are a summer staple for our household. My BF always insists on wearing socks all summer with shorts so every summer he gets a pair or two of anklets in cotton sock yarn that will hopefully spare my shame. We are in a heated debate about the colour of these socks. He swears that they are purple and I am bound and determined to make him see that they are a dark blue. Any votes?

I'm especially proud of these. I spun up some superwash merino roving from Mama-E's (Mermaid colourway) and decided that the colours were perfect for my Mom. I wasn't super secure in my yardage so I learned how to do toe up socks so I could take advantage of every inch. I ended up with an 8" leg so I am super pleased. I don't love the short row heel so the next step is to figure out the toe up heel flap. I was most worried about the toe and once I got used to it (I did the Turkish cast on) it was no problem. I was left with a mere 10 grams of yarn that I will hold on to for darning purposes. This represents the beginning of the Xmas knitting. It shouldn't be too bad this year. The BF's sister is boyfriendless so that's one less person but my sister has a new BF so I lost my advantage as soon as I got it!

Today I spent the whole morning dyeing roving and sock yarn. I'll put up the results shortly. It was my first full experience with Jacquard Acid dyes and I experimented with a few techniques. Pictures to follow shortly.

Very nice, I love the colors!
My boyfriend (asked without any intro) says that the socks are blue grey, and I say that they're blue.

Not purple at all.

Very nice socks, I wish I was prolific with socks for my own feet. :)
Very nice, you're way ahead.
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