Sunday, May 06, 2007


All Spinning - All the Time

I think I'll let the pictures do the talking on this one.

This is 100grams of 50% merino/50% silk blend from Fleece Artist. They never label the colours but guessing from the website I would think that this is "Jester".

It is a single ply spun quite thick and then plyed with sewing thread. It's the first time I've plyed with something other than handspun on handspun and I quite like the effect. I ended up with 360 yrds and it measures up at 9 WPI. It is amazingly soft. I don't know what I'll do with it yet but I think a full face mask may be in order just so I can rub my face all over it all the time ;-)

Next up is a stone that has been hanging around my next since January (actually it's not as bad as I thought it was). These are the BF's hand-dyed, hand-spun, hand-knit socks. He loves the colour and says they are wicked warm (perfect for may right?). They will probably end up put away until next winter but I am very glad to have them finished.

Last is a traditional 3ply (another first). It is 4oz of a merino tencel blend from Winderwood Farms. It was a bit of a clown mix of colours (there is orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple in there) but I like the effect, it's very cheerful.

Details: 220 yards (I lost some in the plying because my bobbins weren't even) and 13WPI. I think this will be put away for baby clothes at somepoint (hopefully someone else's baby since I'm not planning anything). It is superwash so the parents wouldn't have to worry too much. It's around a sport weight so I think I may attempt the Zimmermann BSJ with it at some point.

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