Sunday, January 21, 2007


Baby, Birthday and Blue Face

Can you tell I didn't have an original title?

I'm still busily knitting away and I thought I'd better post proof.

An amazing woman at my school is expecting any day now and I couldn't let it pass without a knit something. This is the Baby Yoda sweater . I made it with Mission Falls wool rather than cotton (as the pattern calls for) and played around with the colours. My finishing obviously still needs some work but overall I am happy with it. I left it on her desk before she came in on Thursday and she came running into my classroom all but squealing. I was so happy that she liked it.

It's really nice to be in a workplace with co-workers again. My last job was just me in a satalite office and it got a little lonley. It's a pleasure to have people to bounce ideas off of and build relationships with again!

Continuing the present vien. This is the first of two Monkey
socks that will be for my Mom's birthday in February. The pattern is just as much fun as everyone says it is. I personally hate working on five DPNS so I spaced the stitches over four and happily went on my way.

The yarn is Lisa Souza Merino Sock in "Violet's Pink Ribbon". It is lovely stuff and I was so impressed that I made another order just two days ago. I ordered some sport weight sock to make socks for my sister and enough sport weight to make a short sleeved sweater for myself. I also ordered some of her BFL roving to try.

Speaking of spinning and BFL here is some BFL from Knit Knackers that I dyed with Wilton's Dephinium blue (I love the way it splits).

I was going to try spinning a single that would be a little think and thin. It was far more challenging than I thought it would be. I kept letting the fibre get too thin. I eventually had to stop thinking about it and just let it fly through my fingers.

I am pretty happy with the results but I have no idea what I am going to do with it.

Specs: 152 yards, around worsted weight but it varies.

The colours are so pretty when they are kept separate like this. The majority of my yarn I ply and end up with sections of barber pole. I think I'm going to have to learn Navajo plying so I can have plied yarn with longer colour repeats.

Still having tonnes of fun with the wheel but we're heading into exams so I'm not sure what my time is going to look like for the next week or so.

I've started the BF's handspun socks and they look great. I've also done most of the knitting on a Swallowtail Shawl from the fall Interweave Knits. I'm doing it up in a fingering weight and it's just zipping along. I've only been working on it for a week and I'm already down to the last two charts! Hopefully I'll have pictures next week!

Just a quick hello from Karin at PSPRP, another Ottawa blogger. Thanks for joining the NatCapKnitters ring - there are so many more of us than I thought. Welcome!
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