Sunday, November 19, 2006


Still here Still Bizzare Still Knitting

So even though I've been going crazy with report card marking recently I've still managed to get some knitting done. Here is our class shot - this is about two weeks of knitting. Enjoy!

First up is a great pattern from the most recent MagKnits. It's called Fake Isle and this my friends is my first attempt at Fair Isle. It went amazingly well and now that I've done it I'm craving more.

We have a member of staff at my school who is expecting in February so I think I may attempt a fair isle sweater for the new baby to be. Anyone have a good suggestion for a pattern?

Next up is a pair of bog standard thrum mittens. The pattern is from Yarn Forward (my most local knitting haunt)

I used some pretty basic wool/acrylic blend for the body and some Spunky Ecelectic roving for the innards. They are amazingly warm and I can't wait for it to get really cold here so I can put them to use.

This is some finished spinning that is destined to be Xmas knitting. I've managed to get everyone taken care of except my Dad and one more sock to go on a pair for a friend. This is some beautiful natrually dark shetland from Knit Knackers. I'm spinning it fairly chunky and will hopefully make a mosaic hat once I've spun some of the mixed bat from the last entry.

It won't be anything he will wear to work but I'm hoping that it will keep Dad's head warm on the weekends at least.

And finally we have a progress shot rather than an FO shot. This is a very belated Icarus and seeing as everyone in the blogsphere has already done one I won't bore you with details. I will say, however, that while other people were working on theirs I always thought that they complained too much about the chart one section lasting forever. Now I COMPLETELY understand. It feels like it may take forever but I know the end result will be worth it.

So that's all the news from Sner world for now. I really am trying to be a better blogger seeing as I still love watching everyone else's project I feel like I have to keep up my end of the deal and give you all something to look at too.

I really love that Fake Isle hat! The rest of your FO's are nice too. I bet those thrummed mitts will be super warm!
Your thrummed mitties are fabulous, along with the other knitted and spun goods! I keep meaning to try something thrummed, but it seems so complicated. Kudos to your stick-to-it-iveness...
Love the Fake Isle hat! It's a great pattern and I really want to try it some day. I'm also working on the Icarus shawl and sometimes I think it will never end. Good luck with it!
The hat is gorgeous! Good job!

I have an Icarus on hold... got to the fun part and noticed that I'd managed to screw up a couple of the lines of yo's 36 rows back, it's been sitting on time out ever since! It's a beautiful shawl though, maybe I should get back to it.

And good for you getting so much Christmas knitting done - I love the scarf for your Grandmother, I've always liked the look of that type of pattern, but haven't been brave enough to try it out... was it hard?
I love that hat. Now I need to make one too!

And lovely lovely spinning!
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