Thursday, August 24, 2006


Now that is some Pharty Yarn

So I spun up the homemade hankies last night and I've decided that if I ever do this again I need to invest in the proper equipment or it's just not worth it. Here are all the gory details (with pictures of course because that's just how we do things around here).

Here we have the dried hankies - they felt a little brittle - probably because I only had commercial fabric softener rather than the specific silk softener that suggested. I do have to admit that they look really pretty in a porny shot kinda way.

They came apart from each other just fine but it became clear as I was spinning them up that I hadn't soaked the cocoons long enough because there were still spots where the silk had not separated - they were unspinnable and became slubs.

There was nothing for it but to spin it anyways. I was dead on about the colour too. The colour was absolutely no where near as saturated as it had been on the cocoons.

Once I had spun them up and plied them back I maybe had 25yrds of yarn and I doubt that it's very usable. I just have to keep reminding myself that this was an experiment and that I had no intention of going into the silk business. The colours were actually nice and the shine was amazing but the in the end I think I'll go back to trying to find a cheap soruce of hankies so I don't have to pull out my hair. I'll leave you with two porny shots - one of the hankies before separating and spinning and one of the finished yarn.

Bummer - but a good experience, and thanks so much for sharing it with the rest of us! I'm so bad when I'm in the middle of a project like dyeing I always mean to take photos, and never quite get to around to it - so good job! Even if you didn't get good yarn, you did get some great blogfodder. :-)

Have fun!

That was a lot of work to put into a result which left you feeling disapointed. I'm sorry about that for you- but these learning experiences are really worth a lot in the long run! I bet if you hold out you will have the perfect spot for 25 yards of pretty and pharty silk yarn.
I realize it's not exactly what you wanted -- but I really like it! Slubs and all, I think it looks very interesting. Not right for just ANYthing, mind you; something special. If you bought up some more cocoons here and there could you spin enough to maybe make a smallish basket like Zib did out of the silk waste? Just a thought...

Spin on, Sner! :)
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