Monday, July 24, 2006


Lovely Lovely Linen

So I promised pictures of the beautiful EuroFlax laceweight linen and here we go . . .

I absolutely love the colour of this stuff, it is really tweedy but the red lends is a wonderful casualness. It feels like twine when you first start working with it but after swatching a few times with different patterns and different needels the first few yards softened up so I can see that I'm really going to enjoy this once it's done and had a bath. The other thing I can't get over is that it's machine washable and can go in the dryer - how cool is that really?! The colour is so cool it needs a close up - don't you think?

I finally decided on a pattern after much fussing. First I started trying the Cozy pattern from Knitty but something about how it appeared in this colour didn't work for me. I tried it on about three different needle sizes too just to see if that was the problem. It's great to have my Mom in the city again (she and Dad were oversees for a few years) I raided her needle stash for some smaller straights but I ended up working with this pattern for what she calls a "snakes and laders stole" on US 4 circulars. I've cast on more stitches than she calls for and I'm slipping the first stitches on each row to combat curling and so far I'm really enjoying it! One last shot for posterity.

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