Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Hooking, babies, and light

How's that for an opener . . .

I've recently gone over to the dark side and actually tried crochet. It was an overwhelming desire for a new bath "poof" that sent me over the top and led me to actually complete a complete project
Bath Poof
it looks great but it does a horrible job. The mesh/fibers are too big and the bath gel just gets absorbed and dosen't foam up.

I made ribbed baby jacket for my good friend. She delivered the baby last weekend and he is adorable. She was a trooper (33 hours of labour and then a c-section) but everyone is healthy and happy in the end.
Ribbed Baby Jacket
it's a superwash wool who's name I don't remember but it is very soft and was fun to work with.

and I've signed up for yet another mystery along. I always start these things with the best intention but then get side tracked. Mystic Light is holding my attention pretty well. I love the pattern and and the yarn I hand-dyed. The yarn is a merino/seacell blend that has just been a pleasure. This picture shows a completed clue 1 and I'm mostly through clue 2 (never mind that clue 4 comes out tomorrow.)

mystic light 1

I've also finished a Fad Classic and I'm working on a Tree Jacket but no pictures just yet.

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